Spouse: a person legally married to the deceased as at the date of death.

Former Spouse: a person who has been divorced from the deceased.

Domestic Partner: a person who has lived with the deceased in a close personal relationship for at least 3 years or the relationship produced a child.

Child: a minor or adult child of the deceased including an adopted child.

Stepchild: a child of the spouse of a deceased including a defacto spouse. The stepchild must have been maintained or supported wholly or partly or entitled to be maintained by the deceased immediately before death.

Grandchild: a child of the deceased’s child.

Parent: a parent of the deceased who cared for or contributed to the maintenance of the deceased during their lifetime.

Sibling: a sibling of the deceased who cared for or contributed to the maintenance of the deceased during their lifetime.

People in close personal relationships: any person whether related or not is able to bring a claim if they satisfy the criteria of being in a “close personal relationship” with the deceased.
