Joseph Anker LL.B., B.Com., G.D.L.P.
Joseph is an Associate practising in our Wills + Estates and Litigation + Dispute Resolution teams.
Joseph’s areas of experience include:
Estate Planning
Joseph prepares simple and complex estate plans, working closely with clients and their accounting and financial advisers to prepare bespoke documents to suit their circumstances. This includes preparing simple and complex Wills, including testamentary trusts, and Power of Attorney and Appointment of Medical Treatment Decision Maker documents.
Joseph also assists clients in regards to superannuation.
Estate Administration
Joseph regularly advises clients on the administration of small and larger complex estates, including preparing applications for grants of probate and letters of administration.
He provides advice to executors in their role administering estates and to beneficiary clients about their rights.
Joseph is experienced in tax, superannuation and trusts.
Estate Litigation
Providing advice and conducting litigation on clients’ behalf is a regular part of Joseph’s practice. This encompasses issues around the construction of Wills, challenging the validity of Wills, holding executors to account, removing executors and testator family maintenance/family provision claims.
Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution
Joseph also conducts general commercial litigation and works with clients to resolve disputes.
Joseph was admitted to practice in 2020 and joined the firm in February 2021. Initially working with our family law team, Joseph has since made the move into Litigation and Wills + Estates. He works in both our Melbourne City and Benalla offices.
Joseph works to achieve practical, cost-effective solutions for clients. He strives to ensure clients clearly understand their options, providing sound advice to help them make complex and often difficult decisions.
Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Commerce
Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
Joseph is a member of the Law Institute of Victoria.