Rodrigo Haddad photo

Rodrigo Haddad B.Com LL.B

Senior Associate

Rodrigo is an Associate in our Litigation + Dispute Resolution team.



Rodrigo works in commercial litigation with a predominant focus on insolvency. He provides advice and acts for trustees in bankruptcy, liquidators as well as individuals and corporations requiring insolvency advice.

He has recently acted for trustees in bankruptcy in vacant possession applications, debt recovery as well as voidable transactions under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth). Acted for liquidators in a number of actions under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth). And has recently acted for a milk distributor in a breach of contract action.

Rodrigo joined the team at MDW in March 2022.

He is fluent in spoken and written Spanish.


Bachelor of Laws

Bachelor of Commerce (Finance)

Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice

ARITA Advanced Certification (Advanced Insolvency)


Rodrigo is a member of the Law Institute of Victoria and Commercial Litigation Study Group