MDW x VIP Business Network Boardroom Soirée

MDW x VIP Business Network Boardroom Soirée

Last night, marshalls+dent+wilmoth had an incredible time co-hosting a Boardroom Soiree at our Melbourne offices in conjunction with the VIP Business Network where professionals from various sectors connected and chatted in a relaxed networking atmosphere. 

We would like to extend our appreciation to the night’s hosts, Margaret Cunniffe from the VIP Business Network and MDW’s Rodrigo Haddad for all the work they did to make the night such a roaring success. 

Also to Cosma Catering for the delicious food and their excellent service. 

Thank you to all who attended and made the event such a success.

We are looking forward to future events!

The night’s hosts, Rodrigo Haddad (MDW) and Margaret Cunniffe (VIP)


 Cosma Catering’s excellent service in action! 


Rodrigo with the night’s door prize winner Maria McQuillan 


Thank you to all who attended, it was a great night! 

See below more photos of attendees enjoying the event!