marshalls+dent+wilmoth in conjunction with Eden Lawyers celebrate their first event

marshalls+dent+wilmoth in conjunction with Eden Lawyers celebrate their first event

Principals, Nicolina Lademann and Mike Eden celebrated their first function as marshalls+dent+wilmoth in conjunction with Eden Lawyers at the Bogong Cup hosted by the Albury Racing Club on Saturday 13 October 2018.

As proud sponsors of Albury Racing Club, we were delighted to have spent the day celebrating the Albury Spring Carnival in the Member’s Lounge overlooking the picturesque finish line.

The event provided an opportunity for Nicolina and Mike to meet and network with an array of clients from both firms. “This was a wonderful opportunity for us to represent the two businesses as one”, says, Mike Eden.

The marshalls+dent+wilmoth lawyers Maiden Cup was run over 1175 metres and won by a locally owned and trained horse “News Girl”.