Wills + Estates
What are the most common grounds for challenging a will?
Abuse of power of attorney: what are my legal options?
Is an electronically signed will as convenient as it seems?
How to Write a Will: Do You Need a Lawyer?
Can I exclude someone from my Will?
What should I know about electronic signing of legal documents?
Should I have a power of attorney?
How do I stop someone from wasting the assets of a deceased estate?
Should I have a testamentary trust in my will?
What happens if I die without a will?
Testamentary Trusts: everything you need to know
What should I know about administration and guardianship laws in Victoria?
What’s the effect of marriage or divorce on a Will and superannuation?
What is a Statutory Will?
Why invalid Wills cause big problems, and how to avoid them
What is an Informal Will?